The Geneva Trade Platform’s governance is designed to ensure the organization remains dynamic, innovative and well advised, with robust management and oversight systems to ensure responsible and ethical conduct at every level.
The GTP is housed within the Graduate Institute, created in 1927 at the time of the League of Nations as the first academic institution in the world entirely devoted to the study of international affairs. The GTP draws on and operates within the Graduate Institute’s impeccable accounting, human resources and ethical frameworks.
Strategic governance and managerial oversight of the GTP is provided by the Centre for Trade and Economic Integration (CTEI).
- The GTP is guided by the CTEI Strategic Director, Professor Joost Pauwelyn.
- Managerial oversight is provided by the CTEI Managing Director, Ms Tamara Pironnet.

The day to day operations of the Geneva Trade Platform and its small secretariat are overseen by the GTP Executive-Director, Mr Dmitry Grozoubinski.

The work and direction of the Geneva Trade Platform is informed and advised by a Board of Advisors. Board Members serve in a personal, advisory capacity for renewable two year terms and represent a diverse range of professional and personal backgrounds.
Current Board of Advisors members are:
- Ms. Vanessa Erogbogbo
- Ms. Soumaya Keynes
- Mr. Patrick Low
- Mr. Carlos Grau Tanner