The Geneva Trade Platform is proud to be housing the Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs (TESS), a new partnership of the Graduate Institute and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). TESS aims to support dialogue and action on trade policies to address urgent global environmental crises and advance progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The launch of TESS responds to the growing interest within and beyond Geneva in supporting multilateral cooperation on trade and environmental sustainability that advances implementation of the SDGs.
TESS aims to serve the trade, environment and sustainable development communities through a versatile, needs-driven and outcome-focused toolbox of activities designed to catalyse collaborative policy action. It will conduct activities that draw in the perspectives and expertise of a diversity of actors with special attention to engaging developing country governments and stakeholders.
The TESS vision is for a modest, nimble initiative that adds strategic value to existing efforts. A key focus of its work in 2021 will be on supporting outcomes on environment and the SDGs at the WTO’s 12th Ministerial Conference. TESS also aims to support the newly launched process of Structured Discussions on Trade and Environmental Sustainability at the WTO by enabling and catalysing inclusive, well-informed, and action-oriented dialogue in Geneva’s multilateral trade setting.
Follow TESS on Twitter: www.twitter.com/TESSforum
Find out more about TESS here.

- Climate change and trade
- Plastic pollution and trade
- Biodiversity loss, natural resources and trade
- Circular economy and trade
- Sustainable agriculture
- Green supply chains
- Trade in environmental goods and services
- Green aid for trade