Border Carbon Adjustments: Issues, Options, and Impacts – Workshop


A workshop presented by the Permanent Mission of Canada to the WTO.

The possibility of border carbon adjustments (BCAs) is increasingly being discussed by many countries as an approach to level the playing field across jurisidictions and address carbon leakage. As these discussions intensify, trade policy practitioners will need to understand and appreciate the concepts of BCAs and how they interact with trade rules.




Introduction: Canadian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the WTO, Stephen de Boer

Moderator: Dr. Carolyn Deere Birkbeck, Graduate Institute Geneva

Panel (Presentations Downloadable Below):

Context: BCAs, climate targets and the Paris Agreement

Andrei Marcu, European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Options: BCAs methodologies, approaches, and design

Aaron Cosbey, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Private Sector Perspectives:  Preparing for BCAs and what is needed from trade policy makers

Catherine Cobden, President, Canadian Steel Producer’s Association

WTO implications: Can BCAs be WTO compliant?

Ludivine Tamiotti, Counsellor, WTO, CTE/CTESS Secretary, Trade and Environment Division

Question and Answers 

Closing Remarks: Canadian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the WTO, Stephen de Boer